Marouli was born in 2001 as younger sister to Tolmi. In the herd she is second in rank. She is also quite venturous: when the herd has broken out of their field, we can always be sure Marouli has done the breaking and leading. When we take the horses out for a walk, she is always on a lead rope as the whole herd will follow her when she runs. We experiment with letting her free for parts of the walk, asking her to stay in the vicinity. This makes for the best walks, when all the horses can move freely.
Marouli has a soft character and strong inner balance. She is very sensitive and accessible. It is very easy to connect with her. She also has a highly sensitive understanding of what is necessary or required at certain moments and acts accordingly.
Unfortunately Marouli has several melanomas. Around and on her tail, and one on the inside of her lip. With nutrition, herbs and homeopathy we are trying to prevent them from developing too much. So far this seems successful. We hope with all our heart we will have her with us for a very very long time to come.